Glycerin: Glycerin is a liquid made in the United States to be mixed with water to soak cane and reeds. Glycerin helps strand cane retain 30% more moisture and makes weaving easier. Rattan cane must be wet while weaving, and a spray bottle with Glycerin will be helpful in the caning process. One tablespoon of Glycerin to 8oz of water. Available in 8oz bottles, 16oz bottles, and 32oz bottles. The spellings Glycerine and Glycerin are interchangeable.
Glycerin Amounts:
Glycerine 8 oz: An 8-ounce bottle of Glycerine is a 1/2 pint.
Glycerine 16 oz: A 16-ounce bottle of Glycerine is a full pint.
Glycerine 32 oz: A 32-ounce bottle of Glycerine is 1 quart.